The University of Winnipeg





WINNIPEG, MBInfectious disease expertsDr. Frank PlummerandDr. John Clementwill be offering two free public lectures at The University of Winnipeg on the very topical issue of H1N1 and the impact of infectious diseases on investment and development. Both lectures will be held6月8日,星期一,2009 beginning at 6:00 PM in Convocation Hall, 2nd floor Wesley Hall.

In addition, theSummer Institute in Infectious Diseases III will be hosted by the Global College from June 8 to 12, 2009,in partnership with the University of Manitoba, The Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce, The International Centre for Infectious Diseases, and Life Science Association of Manitoba, The Global College of the University of Winnipeg. This course may be taken as a second year, fourth year or graduate-level course for credit, and is appropriate for students in disciplines such as Public Health, Infectious Disease Surveillance, Economics, Business, International Development, Sociology, Politics, Law, Social Justice, Urban Planning or Education.

The Summer Institute will provide a forum for dialogue on the place of infectious diseases in dictating investments locally and globally. It will critically explore the impact of a plethora of infectious diseases, including HIV/AIDS, malaria, and tuberculosis, plus the neglected infections, and emerging ones, on the development of communities. It will also address possible policies to ensure that the flow of investment into such communities is not stymied by fear of infections. The Institute will be taught by a diverse group of instructors, who will speak on issues ranging from the scientific, clinical, epidemiological and diagnostic aspects, to the social determinants of the transmission of HIV and other infectious diseases. The Institute will also present historical perspectives of the impact of infectious diseases on economic development, and address the impact of infectious diseases on the emerging market economies.人们interested in registering for the Summer Institute in感染性疾病iii可以联系Michael Ezem.eze@uwinnipeg.ca或786-9946。

“This Summer Institute is a unique initiative which will bring together infectious disease experts, scholars and practitioners in business, economics and policy, in search of solutions to a global problem,” said Dr. Marilou McPhedran, Principal of Global College.

PUBLIC LECTURES – Monday, June 8, 2009- Convocation Hall, 2nd floor, Wesley Hall

6:00 – 6:45 pm – Lecture by Dr. John G. Clement – “Let there be Hope”

约翰·克莱门特(John Clement)博士(不列颠哥伦比亚省温哥华市ICO Therapeutics Inc.的联合创始人兼首席业务官)将发表题为“让希望有希望”的演讲。克莱门特博士将谈论世界各地低收入个体中对药物的迫切需求,并可能采用确保使用此类药物的可能机制。克莱门特博士在临床前和临床药物开发,项目管理和产品采集方面拥有20多年的经验。他是艾滋病药物3TC的先驱[lamivudine;核苷模拟逆转录酶抑制剂]。克莱门特博士拥有博士学位来自西安大略大学,并出版了60多个手稿。他的公司ICO Therapeutics Inc.已开发了对两性霉素B的口服重新构造,这是发展中国家的视力和威胁生命的疾病的关键治疗方法。

7:00 - 7:45 PM - 弗兰克·普鲁默(Frank Plummer)博士的演讲 - “不断发展的猪流感H1N1爆发”

Dr. Frank Plummer,a lead figure in the prevention and control of infectious disease outbreaks in Canada, will address the recent outbreak of the H1N1 flu virus. As Chief Science Advisor at the Public Health Agency of Canada and Scientific Director General of the National Microbiology Laboratory in Winnipeg, Dr. Plummer has dramatically increased Canada’s ability to prevent and respond to infectious disease outbreaks and potential pandemics. At the beginning of the present H1N1 virus outbreak, Dr. Plummer and his team sequenced the genome and identified the strain of the virus. He became an expert in infectious diseases by studying the spread of HIV in Kenya, where he discovered a small group of individuals who were naturally immune to the disease. His research has led him to discover essential information about the spread of HIV, and the progression of the infection to AIDS, thereby greatly improving our understanding of the disease. Dr. Plummer also played a pivotal role in resolving the SARS crisis of 2003.


通过温尼伯商会总裁兼首席执行官戴维·安格斯(David Angus)以及国际传染病中心(ICID)的总裁兼首席执行官Terry Duguid(ICID)总裁兼首席执行官Terry Duguid。我们还要承认支持Siidiii的慷慨捐赠:

  • The CIHR International Infectious Disease and Global Health Training Program;
  • Merck Frosst Canada;
  • iCO Therapeutics Inc., Vancouver, BC.
  • Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC
  • Hospira Inc., Lake Forest, Illinois, USA.
  • Campbell Alliance, Raleigh, NC, USA
  • Office of the Associate VP (Research) and Dean of Graduate Studies, UWinnipeg

Find out more about UWinnipeg’scomplete offering ofSummer Instituteshere.
