
Field Courses


Spring 2019

HR-4210,IS-4028 GIS-7028

  • Global College: 1MS25 (3 weeks) From May 14 to May 30, 2019
  • 2019年6月15日至6月30日哥伦比亚(2周)



  1. Submit a statement (approx. 2 pages) describing your interest in the Field Course and any relevant background studies or experience. If you are requesting a bursary, add an explanatory note about your need for the bursary.
  2. 从WebAdvisor附上您的学术成绩单的副本。
  3. Enclose a down payment of $75 on the course fee payable to “University of Winnipeg – Colombia Course.” The down payment will be returned if your application is not accepted.

Submit by March 22, 2019:


Colombia Field Course 2019
温尼伯大亚愽国际app下载学Global College
520 Portage Avenue
温尼伯,MB R3B 2E9





HR-4650 (6) Special Topics


A Field Course in Southern Africa and Manitoba

Field Course to Botswana and Manitoba

This course examines the intersections between health and human rights in Canada and Southern Africa highlighting the impact of social context on health outcomes and the provision of health services. While at first glance these two parts of the world are very different – one at the epicenter of the HIV pandemic, the other with some of the longest life expectancies in the world – both struggle with equitable access to health and healthcare across population groups, and between urban and rural areas.

这项现场课程涉及在南部非洲度过的2周,在曼尼托巴省度过了2周,在这两种情况下,在城市和农村地区度过了时间。我们检查了诊所和医院墙内的健康,但除了它们之外 - 询问社会偏见,文化实践,住房,运输,食品以及社会经济和地理因素和地理因素对个人和人口健康的作用。尽管健康权包括在关键的国际人权公约中,但其认识是复杂且不平等的。Situating health in two different geographic settings, we examine how social context affects health engaging with academics alongside government, community, and civil society actors (working with women’s groups, sex worker organizations, HIV organizations, LGTBQI groups, indigenous health organizations, community health services, etc.).


为了满足HR-3510实践在人权方面的要求,批准的学生可以留在现场以完成这些课程要求。为了满足QE II钻石禧年奖学金/实习的要求,学生可以在英联邦国家扩展他们的研究以满足90天的要求。这可能涉及额外的阅读课程或实习。


人力资源- 4650 - 730(6)特别的主题

Quest for Peace, Justice, and Human Rights:

A Field Course in Israel and the West Bank

Field Course to Israel and the West Bank

Explore first-hand the conflict and justice issues in Israeli-Palestinian relations. This course examines social, political and religious perspectives of one of the most enduring contemporary conflicts. The course will meet once a week on campus,and include two weeks in Israel and the West Bank (Feb 16-Mar 4, 2018, dates approximate)。该田野部分将包括来自各个个人和组织的来宾讲座,访问历史,宗教和政治意义的遗址。

This course can be taken for graduate or undergraduate credit, or on a non-credit basis for those who do not seek academic credit. To download theundergraduatesyllabus, please click这里。For thegraduatesyllabus, please click这里。


Pathways to Reconciliation - A Manitoba Field Course

Dual Credit with GIS-7200

Manitoba, including:

  • Classroom sessions on campus
  • Midewiwin Spring Ceremonies, Rosseau Rapids
  • Indigenous-Settler relations in Altona
  • 参加和解会议的途径


Lorena Sekwan Fontaine,Indigenous Studies

Dean Peachey,人权

Pathways Course

HR/IS Syllabus

GIS Syllabus

Indigenous & Human Rights in Latin America including Field Course in Colombia

Spring 2016





Gabriel Nemogá, PhD
玛丽亚·卢西亚·扎帕塔(Maria Lucia Zapata)

The course is structured in two parts:

On campus



在哥伦比亚部分将涵盖遇到s with NGOs, academic and researchers, social leaders, indigenous and popular organizations and minor complementary readings. In the field portion of the course, we will be joined by students enrolled in the University of Cartagena Masters in Social Conflict and Peacebuilding, and their instructor, Rosa Jimenez.


Maria Lucia Zapata,M.A。Ph。D候选人和Gabriel R. Nemoga,PD.D。加布里埃尔·尼莫加(Gabriel R.Nemogá),博士

加布里埃尔·尼莫加(Gabriel R.Nemogá)is an Associate Professor at the University of Winnipeg and Chair of the Master in Arts in Indigenous Governance. His research focuses on cultural and biological diversity and indigenous rights. He has worked with Indigenous communities in the tropical rain forest in Mexico, and in the Amazon and Andean region. Previously he was an Associated Professor at the National University of Colombia. He has degrees in PhD Human Ecology (University of California-Davis), MA (Brunel, UK), BA in Sociology (National University of Colombia), BA in Law (Free University of Colombia).

玛丽亚·卢西亚·扎帕塔(Maria Lucia Zapata),硕士,博士候选人

玛丽亚·卢西亚·扎帕塔(Maria Lucia Zapata)是曼尼托巴大学和平与冲突研究的一名博士生,她的论文侧重于哥伦比亚的和平建设过程。玛丽亚·卢西亚(Maria Lucia)在哥伦比亚,加拿大和菲律宾的建设和平,冲突转变和恢复性司法方面拥有丰富的经验,她的主要研究兴趣是基层建设和平和自由和平。

Rosa Jimenez Ahumada, M.Ed.Rosa Jiménez Ahumada,M.Ed。

Rosa Jimenez is a Social Worker and has a Master in Education. For many years she has worked in community development and peace building processes with vulnerable and poor communities, especially in the Colombian Caribbean Coast.


For ten years she has been the director of the Observatory for Forced Displacement at the University of Cartagena. Currently, she is the Academic Coordinator of the Master of Social Conflict and Peacebuilding.


UN field course


Wednesday 2:30pm-5:15pm
Instructor:M. McPhedran


PREREQUISITE:HR-2100(3) or the former HRGS-2101(6) or POL-2101(6), permission of the instructor, and a completed application form.

Please note:由于原定于10月19日举行的联邦大选,麦克菲兰教授选择不去渥太华,因为关键人物无法与班级见面。现场课程的费用已减少,仅反映了纽约行程。

Religion, Rights, and Relationships in Israel and the West Bank


Religion, Rights, and Relationships in Israel and the West Bank

This course explored contemporary conflict and justice issues in Israeli-Palestinian relations, with particular attention to the perspectives and contributions of the three Abrahamic faith traditions, along with secular narratives. The course met once a week on campus, and included two weeks in Israel and the West Bank. This field portion included guest lectures from various individuals and groups, and visits to sites of historical, religious, and political significance.

“I cherish the experience I had in Israel and the West Bank. Throughout the two weeks I found myself being pulled from one side to another. I had to remind myself that everyone has a truth and that each person we met deserved to be heard without judgment. When you take theory from a textbook and apply it through experiential learning, it enriches the learning experience.” - Hayley Hickey, student

Indigenous & Human Rights in Latin America including Field Course in Colombia

Spring 2014
Credit: HRGS-4210 (6) or GIS-7038 (6)



May 5-22 Tues. & Thurs. 5-8pm

The first three weeks of the course was conducted on the UWinnipeg campus, providing for introduction and study based on secondary sources on the Colombian Indigenous and human rights situation, civil conflict and background to the current peace negotiations.

May 25-June 9

The second part took place in Colombia, covering encounters with NGOs, academic and researchers, social leaders, indigenous and popular organizations and minor complementary readings. In Colombia, we were joined by students enrolled in the University of Cartagena Masters in Social Conflict and Peacebuilding, and their instructor, Rosa Jimenez.

UN Study Tour

UN Study Tour students

Oct 27-Nov 1, 2013

Professor Marilou McPhedran led a United Nations study tour of Ottawa and New York City in October 2013. This tour was the main component of the Global College's HRGS-3650 Special Topics Field Course on Human Rights and Human Security at the UN. UWinnipeg students, ranging from their first year to fourth year of studies, began their trip in Ottawa with a visit to Parliament and the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada. The students then travelled to New York City where they met with Canadian diplomats, NGO representatives and former Winnipeggers who now work for the United Nations. Students also visited the Brooklyn Art Museum, the Museum of Modern Art and participated in other activities related to the week-long anniversary of the UN Security Council Resolution 1325: Women, Peace and Security.

奥斯丁·格拉斯(Austin Grabish)创作的视频文章是他课程工作的一部分。

Sport, Development, and Peace

Sports, Development, and Peace Spring 2012

May 12-26, 2012

Vice President Academic Dr. John Corlett was accompanied by a number of students for two weeks in El Salvador to explore child and youth development in an environment of violence, economic struggle, and gang culture. This field course offered a chance to explore the reality of key concepts such as justice, freedom, human rights, democracy, wealth, poverty, and national development in an environment vastly different from the North American context in which most Canadians live. The course focused on projects using physical education activities to improve school and culture and counter social problems.



在2011年和2013年,Professor Dean Peachey本科生和研究生与开普敦基石学院的Marius Brand教授和学生一起参加了为期2周的密集课程。我们的“移动课堂”探讨了南非试图通过领先专家的讲座,博物馆和良心之旅的演讲以及访问各种社区的讲座的方式来应对种族隔离的遗产。

查看photo book with excerptsfrom student journals这里

Police Officer Seeks truth in South Africa- 温尼伯自由出版社
A Journey of the heart- Uptown Magazine
Truth and Reconciliation: Students off to South Africa- 温尼伯大亚愽国际app下载学
South Africa trip gives students hope- 温尼伯自由出版社
